A Travellerspoint blog

Quick flyby

Stomach demons have mostly been quelled, though I'm a bit fragile in every way. Going to say goodbye to the kids now. The most heartfelt notes came from them last night about tears when we leave, hoping I feel better. Nothing more to say there.

Waiting for Gabriel so we can finish some phone calls etc before we leave. The RDC (regional head honcho) was here for a meeting, and he had breakfast with us. Like the mayor, he was taken with carissa, and asked her to be his second wife. They like young blondes who own their own businesses.

One of the big girls is with us, the one who was selling tomatoes on the streets of kampala, because coming back into our fold meant that she started talking to us about something she'd never told anyone before, and Carissa and Yarina let her sleep with them at the hotel so she wouldn't be on her own last night. She had the best shower of her life this morning.

So much life in every moment.

I'm happy I'm not leaving africa today.

(Oh, and Tamrya and anyone else, please feel free to share this with anyone you want. And you know I'm going to hit you all up for a donation ;-)).

Posted by CateinTO 22:27

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Don't they know that pretty blondes can do better than being a second wife?

I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. Isn't it amazing when you see something as simple as a shower be the best thing ever for someone? The amazing things we take for granted, huh?

by Renee

One of my colleagues is already sending you a cheque. Your blog inspired her and she's very happy to know of places to donate where the money doesn't go to fundraising activities

by Melissa

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