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It was truly impossible to post pics from Africa -- it's hard to imagine the difficulty of dealing with today's web on ancient dialup. Most places I was, internet was only available on someone else's ancient computer, with no way of moving a pic even if the RAM and internet speed could have handled it. Several times I completely lost finished blog posts. Many days there was no ability to find internet at all. Imagine the internet in africa being akin to water -- in the west, it flows freely and potably (a word?) from a tap; in africa, it's fetched on foot in yellow plastic jerricans from a km or two or more away.

When I get home, I'll post a whole whack of pics on facebook and post a link here. For now, one at a time is manageable.

I haven't had any time at all to sort through my 1000s of pics. Most days with the kids, I handed my little Canon elph to one of them and had it returned, dolefully, when it was dead. And I took a lot of shots myself with my delightful new Rebel, and the others took many too. But they'll be doled out.

One of the kids and me:


And, mama gorilla and baby:


Posted by CateinTO 14:44

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by linda Blong

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