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Amazing update on the boy in Canada

So I posted a couple of months ago about the kid who'd been brought here and passed around, and it looked like I'd have to return him... well, our instinct to hold off on taking him back with us found some hold in the universe, because a family that had agreed to temporarily foster him decided that he could be a permanent part of their family. He's been there about 6 weeks now, and I got an email today that made me weepy:

Things are going very well. [He] is adjusting to life [here]. I continually reinforce with him that we are not going to give him back. We all love him. He has realized the importance of education and now brings his homework to me, rather than making me nag him to get it started. Last night he had to create slides for a power point presentation about himself. One of the slides was to be a family tree. I was a bit concerned about how he would get through this, and nearly broke into tears of joy when he immediately offered the names of our kids, [my husband], and myself.

I'm so grateful for the people with wisdom and open hearts.

Posted by CateinTO 11:35

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OK, that did it. *wipes screen* Thank you, Cate, and thank you Family.

by Janice


by Renee

oh, that makes me very glad and hopeful about people and the world. So good to hear this.

by Loretta

This is wonderful news. It brings me hope. Thanks for the follow up.

by earthturkey

This brings joy to my heart and tears to my eyes. Thank you for this latest turn in the story.

by Linda Blong

What lovely news! Thank you, Cate.

by Amy

Oh, I'm so glad to read this, the picture you had painted of this situation had really haunted me. I had been so sure that this boy would wind up one of the lost and forgotten cases of sadness, it makes my heart really glad to hear of him finding a home in a richly loving environment. Very humbling. Thank you.

by Stephanie

A joy to read such good news amidst all the heartache from Haiti. We lost 3 children (of 70) and 1 long-time worker in the devastating earthquake.

by Mom

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